flask-peewee ships with several useful utilities. If you’re coming from the django world, some of these functions may look familiar to you.
Getting objects¶
Provides a handy way of getting an object or 404ing if not found, useful for urls that match based on ID.
@app.route('/blog/<title>/') def blog_detail(title): blog = get_object_or_404(Blog.select().where(Blog.active==True), Blog.title==title) return render_template('blog/detail.html', blog=blog)
Wraps the given query and handles pagination automatically. Pagination defaults to
but can be changed by passing inpaginate_by=XX
.@app.route('/blog/') def blog_list(): active = Blog.select().where(Blog.active==True) return object_list('blog/index.html', active)<!-- template --> {% for blog in object_list %} {# render the blog here #} {% endfor %} {% if page > 1 %} <a href="./?page={{ page - 1 }}">Prev</a> {% endif %} {% if page < pagination.get_pages() %} <a href="./?page={{ page + 1 }}">Next</a> {% endif %}
A wrapper around a query (or model class) that handles pagination.
query = Blog.select().where(Blog.active==True) pq = PaginatedQuery(query) # assume url was /?page=3 obj_list = pq.get_list() # returns 3rd page of results pq.get_page() # returns "3" pq.get_pages() # returns total objects / objects-per-page
- slugify(string)¶
Convert a string into something suitable for use as part of a URL, e.g. “This is a url” becomes “this-is-a-url”
from flask_peewee.utils import slugify class Blog(db.Model): title = CharField() slug = CharField() def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self.slug = slugify(self.title) super(Blog, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
- make_password(raw_password)¶
Create a salted hash for the given plain-text password
- check_password(raw_password, enc_password)¶
Compare a plain-text password against a salted/hashed password